From a down to earth perspective, anxiety usually centres around health, wealth and happiness. It is said that we do not fully appreciate good health until we lose it, or that all the money in the world cannot buy health or happiness. Nevertheless, without good health and without sufficient income, life can become a very difficult and depressing experience.
God, knowing all these things and the reasons for them, indicates that He can heal our anxieties by bringing hope into our lives through our knowing and our acceptance of His existence and the great love He has for us.
As a loving Father, I do not want you to be anxious but to be happy. To have love in the knowledge that you are indeed, loved, loved by Me your God, your Creator, your King.
After the Fall of Adam and Eve, God immediately began to implement His contingency plan, a rescue mission, and for God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it would be full involvement and commitment. Jesus, the Divine Son of God accepted the role of Saviour without reservation.
As we progress through the third millennium, God wants us to understand more clearly His contingency plan, and the true significance of that event; the birth of the Worthy One, Our Saviour, and His unreserved offering of His life for our sake.
From age to age and step by step, My plan unfolds and in this unfolding, My people witness the faithfulness inherent in My love, and in My commitment to draw you one and all to Myself. No stain, no blemish that My child may have inherited or acquired will keep Me and My love from seeking the salvation of that child.
The way to the kingdom is via the gateway of Christ, the divine and perfect judge, who, as God the Son, is all knowing and wise, all just and always obedient to God the Father’s specification. As the perfect all-knowing judge, Christ understands the love of the Father for His children, which is the real fundament of the specification, the bottom line for a true and final decision.
All creation is balanced by the perfect obedience of Jesus to the will of the Father. This statement is at present far beyond your understanding but it is gravely essential that you in the beginning understand it, so that in time all peoples will understand it.
For until they do Christ will be ignored, His name will be blasphemed and His love will be rejected by so many. The sacrifice of the cross will be misunderstood and the Eucharist will be received unworthily. The delicate perfection that is Christ is so beautiful, so sacrificial and yet so unimposing. It is unimposing because the Father wills it to be, so that all of human creation can be free to choose to love.
Christ is crucifixed to be the reference of primary balance and His sacrifice on Calvary was to demonstrate His crucial alignment. The figure of Christ on the cross is symbolic of Christ and Divine Creator, so obedient to the Father’s will that He became the Eucharist you consume – to impart the grace you need to imitate His obedience to the Father, the way of love, the way to eternal bliss with Him in the kingdom of glory.
The Holy Eucharist, God’s gift to us, is an antidote against sin. It allows us to experience the warm embrace of God’s overflowing love for us. It is a peep hole into the encounter of glowing, eternal peace and happiness with Him in His kingdom forever.